Detail from : 480 BCE. Psykter by the Pan Painter. Artemis with a self bow.
Number of current images in chronological order - 173
1600 - 1700 BCE. [Mycenaean dagger blades from Shaft Grave IV Grave Circle A, Mycenae,Greece. Bronze inlaid with gold, silver and black neillo, length about 9" long. National Archaeological Museum Athens.
1500 BCE. Mycenaean.
850-775 BCE. Euboean hydria. Detail from Lefkandi/Eretria.
800-775 BCE. Attic skyphos from Eleusis.
775-750 BCE. Attic crater
725-700 BCE. Attic oinochoe. Hunt Group.
700-675 BCE. Corinthian aryballos,from Lechaion/Corinth.
700-675 BCE. Detail from Corintian aryballos from Lechaion/Corinth
700-675 BCE. Corinthian pyxis. Heracles and Geryon.
700-675 BCE. Detail from Corinthian pyxis. Heracles and Geryon.
Archaic period.
775-750 BCE. Attic crater
725-700 BCE. Attic oinochoe. Hunt Group.
700-675 BCE. Corinthian aryballos,from Lechaion/Corinth.
700-675 BCE. Detail from Corintian aryballos from Lechaion/Corinth
700-675 BCE. Corinthian pyxis. Heracles and Geryon.
700-675 BCE. Detail from Corinthian pyxis. Heracles and Geryon.
Archaic period.
635-600 BCE. Skyphos crater by Nessos Painter. Herakles shoots arrows at the eagle tormentor of the Titan Prometheus. The Titan himself crouches in the middle of the scene, bound to a stake fixed in the earth.
Samos museum ©Effi Kastelloriou
Samos museum ©Effi Kastelloriou
Samos museum ©Effi Kastelloriou
Samos museum ©Effi Kastelloriou
600-575 BCE. Corinthian aryballos. Athena, Heracles, Iolaos and the Hydra
575-550 BCE. Corinthian red-ground crater. Heracles rescues Hesione from the Ketos.
575-525 BCE. Attic black-figured oinochoe.
575-555 BCE. Vase Neck. The Calydonian Boar Hunt.
560 - 540 BCE. Herakles attacks the Kentauros Nessos who is attempting to carry off and rape Deianeira.
560-540 BCE. Artemis. Signed by Lydos.
550-530 BCE > Herakles entering Olympus
After his death, Herakles joined the Greek gods in Olympus and married the goddess Hebe. Attic pottery, black-figure ware in particular, was often illustrated with this scene, which first appeared in the second quarter of the 6th century BC. Herakles is shown entering Olympus either on foot, as here, or, particularly in the second half of the 6th century BC, in a chariot.
Black figured KantharosMade in Boeotia
540-520 BCE. Belly amphora (Type A0 by the Andokides Painter. Red figure. Herakles and Kerberos.
Period: Archaic Date: 6th–5th century B.C. Culture: Greek, Laconian Medium: Lead. From Sparta, the sanctuary of Artemis Orthia. Archer
540 - 530 BCE. Naked youth with a bow, probably Apollo(?). Bronze figurine in the Corinthian style dedicated to Zeus (inscription in Corinthian alphabet on the base naming Etymokledas as the donator), ca. 540–30 BC. From Dodona in Epirus. (Dorian archer ?)
550 - 540 BCE. Herakles battles the three-bodied giant Geryones. The hero wears his usual lion-skin cape and fires arrows from a bow. At his feet lies the body of Geryones' two-headed guard dog Orthros. The giant himself is depicted with a single set of legs and thighs, dividing into three bodies at the midsection, which share a double set of wings. Each of his bodies is equipped with a spear, shield and helm.
Heracles vs. Centaurs
550 BCE. Heracles kills with his arrows the Centaurs while they are fleeing. He dresses the skin of the Nemean lion and is armed with bow and sword. An arrow hits the first Centaur in the head and the blood covers his forehead and his breast. Between him and Heracles, a dark red stone is flying toward the hero: the second Centaur, with his left hand, is throwing stones against Heracles, but is about to be hit by an arrow.Black figured KantharosMade in Boeotia
540-530 BCE. Herakles.
550-500 BCE. Pyxis, Athenian, Black-figure. Painter of the Nicosia Olpe. Assembly of Gods.
Detail: New York (NY), Metropolitan Museum, 2010.147 Heracles
540-520 BCE. Oinochoe by the Andokides Painter. Herakles with the Erymanthian Boar
540-520 BCE. Athena and Herakles.
540-520 BCE. Neck amphora by the Andokides Painter. Herakles with a kithara and Athena
Period: Archaic Date: ca. 540 BCE Culture: Greek, Attic Medium: Terracotta.
Obverse, Poseidon, the god of the seas, among
Greek warriors.
Period: Archaic Date: ca. 540 BCE Culture: Greek, Attic Medium: Terracotta.
Obverse, the stables of Poseidon.
Herakles captures the Hind of Keryneia, breaking off one of its golden antlers, while Athena (on the left) and Artemis (on the right) look on. Attic black-figured neck-amphora, ca. 540–530 BC. Said to be from Vulci.
525 - 515 BCE. Heracles and Apollo struggle over the Delphic tripod. Herakles wears his lion-skin cape and is armed with a club. The god Apollon is shown as a youth, with a quiver slung over his shoulder. He grasps the club of Herakles with one hand. Two goddesses stand in support of each. On one side is Athene wearing the snake-trimmed aigis cloak and on the other stands Artemis with a quiver and crown.
535-500 BCE. Chalcidian neck amphora from Vulci by the Inscription P. Heracles fights Geryon; the herdsman Eurytion is struck and the dog Orthros is dead.
535-500 BCE. Chalcidian neck amphora from Vulci by the Inscription P. Diomedes wounded; fight over dead Achilles.
535-500 BCE. Chalcidian crater by the Inscription P. Helen and Paris, Andromache and Hector.
535-500 BCE. Chalcidian amphora by the Inscription P. Odysseus and Diomedes attack sleeping Rhesos.
530 BCE. Eye cup by the Andokides Painter.
530-515 BCE. Belly amphora (Type A) by Andokides Painter. Herakles and Amazons.
535-500 BCE. Heracles, Apollo and tripod, with winged goddess Athena and Hermes.
535-500 BCE. Chalcidian amphora. Amazonomachy.
530-510 BCE. Neck amphora by Antimenes Painter. Herakles fights Apollo for the tripod.
530-510 BCE. Neck amphora by the Antimenes Painter. Warrio’s departure with extispicy (omen-taking from entrails). Rare painting of an archer with greaves.
530-510 BCE. Neck amphora by the Antimenes Painter. Herakles fights the lion.
530-510 BCE. Belly amphora in the manner of the Antimenes Painter. Herakles delivers the Erymanthian Boar to Eurystheus.
525-500 BCE. Boeotian black polychrome kantharos from Eretria. Artemis and fawn
525-500 BCE. Ionian “Campana” dinos
Herakles and a bull
Period: Archaic Date: ca. 520–510 BCE. Culture: Greek, Attic Medium: Terracotta
Period: Archaic Date: late 6th or early 5th century B.C. Culture: Cypriot Medium: Limestone Dimensions: H. 28 in. (71.1 cm). This very fine sculpture shows Herakles as an archer. He has a quiver (gorytos ?) and scabbard, and was probably shown drawing his bow.
Archaic. Herakles captures the Kerynitian hind, but accidentally breaks off one of its antlers in the process. Artemis steps forward to protest the treatment of her sacred animal. Opposite her stands Athene in support of the hero.
530-515 BCE. Belly amphora (Type A) by Andokides Painter. Herakles drives a bull ti sacrifice.
520-510 BCE. Plate by Paseas
525-475 BCE. Hellenic
520-500 BCE. Hydria of the Leagros Group. Herakles kills the sleeping Alkyoneus.
520-500 BCE. Neck amphora of the Group of Toronto. Herakles with Pholos and other centaurs.
520-500 BCE. Belly amphora (Type A) of the Leagros Group. Herakles fights Antaios
520 BCE. Hydria by the Madrid Painter. Herakles fights Kyknos.
520 BCE. Belly amphora (Type A) by the Painter of Tarquinia. Herakles fights Apollo for the tripod.
510 - 500 BCE. Herakles battles the three-bodied giant Geryones. The hero is dressed in his familiar lion-skin cape, and wields a club in one hand and bow in the other. Behind him stands the goddess Athene in support. She holds a shield emblazoned with the Gorgoneion (gorgon head). At the feet of the combatants the two headed guard dog Orthros lies dead on its back, pierced with arrows.
515-505 BCE. Cup signed by Euphronios. Herakles and Geryon.
510 - 500 BCE. Herakles battling a horned Kentauros (centaur) or the bull-shaped god Akheloios
510 - 500 BCE. Herakles captures the Erymanthian Boar assisted by Iolaos.
510 BCE. Herakles captures the Kerynitian hind, seizing it by the antlers. Beside him stands the goddess Athene in support, wearing a helm and her snake-trimmed aigis cloak.
510 BCE. Herakles delivers the Erymanthian boar to Eurystheus who cowers inside a buried pithos vase. Athene observes the scene.
Period: Archaic Date: late 6th or early 5th century B.C. Culture: Cypriot Medium: Limestone Dimensions: H. 28 in. (71.1 cm). This very fine sculpture shows Herakles as an archer. He has a quiver (gorytos ?) and scabbard, and was probably shown drawing his bow.
Archaic. Herakles captures the Kerynitian hind, but accidentally breaks off one of its antlers in the process. Artemis steps forward to protest the treatment of her sacred animal. Opposite her stands Athene in support of the hero.
530 - 520 BCE. Herakles rescues Mnesimakhe from the Kentauros Eurytion. Her father, King Dexamenos, watches the contest.
530-515 BCE. Belly amphora (Type A) by Andokides Painter. Herakles drives a bull ti sacrifice.
520-510 BCE. Plate by Paseas
525-475 BCE. Hellenic
520-500 BCE. Hydria of the Leagros Group. Herakles kills the sleeping Alkyoneus.
520-500 BCE. Neck amphora of the Group of Toronto. Herakles with Pholos and other centaurs.
520-500 BCE. Belly amphora (Type A) of the Leagros Group. Herakles fights Antaios
520 BCE. Hydria by the Madrid Painter. Herakles fights Kyknos.
520 BCE. Belly amphora (Type A) by the Painter of Tarquinia. Herakles fights Apollo for the tripod.
525-515 BCE. Plate signed by Epiktetos.
525 - 520 BCE. Herakles drags Kerberos, the hound of Haides, forth from the underworld on a lead. He subdues it with his raised bow. The hero is accompanied by the god Hermes, as guide of the dead, who holds a kerekyion or herald's wand.
510 - 500 BCE. Herakles battles the three-bodied giant Geryones. The hero is dressed in his familiar lion-skin cape, and wields a club in one hand and bow in the other. Behind him stands the goddess Athene in support. She holds a shield emblazoned with the Gorgoneion (gorgon head). At the feet of the combatants the two headed guard dog Orthros lies dead on its back, pierced with arrows.
515-505 BCE. Cup signed by Euphronios. Herakles and Geryon.
510 - 500 BCE. Herakles battling a horned Kentauros (centaur) or the bull-shaped god Akheloios
510 - 500 BCE. Herakles captures the Erymanthian Boar assisted by Iolaos.
510-500 BCE. Cup by Psiax
510 BCE. Herakles captures the Kerynitian hind, seizing it by the antlers. Beside him stands the goddess Athene in support, wearing a helm and her snake-trimmed aigis cloak.
510 BCE. Herakles delivers the Erymanthian boar to Eurystheus who cowers inside a buried pithos vase. Athene observes the scene.
Archer with two bows. 510 BCE. From Vulci. British Museum.
520-510 BCE >Drinking cup (kylix)
Hellenic archer inspecting arrow.
• Greek, Late Archaic Period
• the Carpenter Painter
520-505 BCE. Volume crater by Euphronios. Herakles and Amazons.
525-475 BCE. Amphora, Athenian, red-figure by Dikaios painter. Herakles and Apollo struggle for the tripod, Athena, Artemis.
525-475 BCE. Plate. Athenian, red-figure by Oltos painter. Artemis.
Archer, Kylix, red figure, attributed to Oltos painter, made in Attica, 510 BCE.
British museum.
520 - 510 BCE. Herakles kneeling at the gates of Haides, chains the twy-headed hound Kerberos. He is accompanied in his endeavour by the goddess Athene (not shown).
525-475 BCE. Lekythos, Athenian, black-figure. Apollo with bow (unusual image of holding the bow from the bowstring ?)
Period: Archaic Date: ca. 500 B.C.E. Culture: Greek Medium: Chalcedony Dimensions: length 11/16 in. (1.7 cm) Classification: Gems. Archer testing arrow
500 BCE. Detail of Hermes, Apollon and Herakles from a painting depicting the reception of the hero into Olympos. Hermes carries a ram and herald's wand, Apollon a lyre and deer, and Herakles his club. Athene (not shown) follows.

500 - 480 BCE. Mysia, Kyzikos, electrum stater, Herakles, naked, kneeling right, holding bow in left hand and brandishing club in right hand above his head; behind, tunny fish, rev., quadripartite incuse square, 16.10g, extremely fine, very rare and an exceptional example.
Attributed to the Providence Painter.
NOTEThis image is a montage of several photos of the vase.
With Herakles, seated on rocks, wearing lion-skin covering his head and tied around shoulders, holding club in right hand and raised bow in his left, flanked by foliate tendrils, wave pattern below.
Ca. 380-360 BC
Diam. 6 1/8 in. (15.5 cm.)
520-510 BCE >Drinking cup (kylix)
Hellenic archer inspecting arrow.
• Greek, Late Archaic Period
• the Carpenter Painter
520-505 BCE. Volume crater by Euphronios. Herakles and Amazons.
525-475 BCE. Amphora, Athenian, red-figure by Dikaios painter. Herakles and Apollo struggle for the tripod, Athena, Artemis.
525-475 BCE. Plate. Athenian, red-figure by Oltos painter. Artemis.
Archer, Kylix, red figure, attributed to Oltos painter, made in Attica, 510 BCE.
British museum.
520 - 510 BCE. Herakles kneeling at the gates of Haides, chains the twy-headed hound Kerberos. He is accompanied in his endeavour by the goddess Athene (not shown).
525-475 BCE. Lekythos, Athenian, black-figure. Apollo with bow (unusual image of holding the bow from the bowstring ?)
Period: Archaic Date: ca. 500 B.C.E. Culture: Greek Medium: Chalcedony Dimensions: length 11/16 in. (1.7 cm) Classification: Gems. Archer testing arrow
500 BCE. Detail of Hermes, Apollon and Herakles from a painting depicting the reception of the hero into Olympos. Hermes carries a ram and herald's wand, Apollon a lyre and deer, and Herakles his club. Athene (not shown) follows.
500 BCE. Lekythos, black Figure. Struggle for the tripod, Herakles and Apollo, Artemis with spear, Athena.
A large Attic black-figure skyphos
By the Theseus Painter, circa 525-475 B.C.
Depicting on both sides a bearded Herakles reclining at a symposium scene, holding a club in his left hand, a quiver in the field, side (a) with Herakles handing a rhyton to Hermes wearing a pilos hat, side (b) with Herakles shaking hands with another bearded man, 10in (25.5cm) high
By the Theseus Painter, circa 525-475 B.C.
Depicting on both sides a bearded Herakles reclining at a symposium scene, holding a club in his left hand, a quiver in the field, side (a) with Herakles handing a rhyton to Hermes wearing a pilos hat, side (b) with Herakles shaking hands with another bearded man, 10in (25.5cm) high
Detail from the large Attic black-figure skyphos
By the Theseus Painter, circa 525-475 B.C.
Depicting on both sides a bearded Herakles reclining at a symposium scene, holding a club in his left hand, a quiver in the field, side (a) with Herakles handing a rhyton to Hermes wearing a pilos hat, side (b) with Herakles shaking hands with another bearded man, 10in (25.5cm) high
By the Theseus Painter, circa 525-475 B.C.
Depicting on both sides a bearded Herakles reclining at a symposium scene, holding a club in his left hand, a quiver in the field, side (a) with Herakles handing a rhyton to Hermes wearing a pilos hat, side (b) with Herakles shaking hands with another bearded man, 10in (25.5cm) high
525-475 BCE. Krater, Athenian, black figure. Struggle for the tripod. Herakles and Apollo, Athena, Artemis, Hermes.
500-480 BCE. Belly amphora (Type A) by Berlin Painter. Herakles
500-480 BCE. Neck amphora by the Berlin Painter. Herakles and Amazons.

500 - 480 BCE. Mysia, Kyzikos, electrum stater, Herakles, naked, kneeling right, holding bow in left hand and brandishing club in right hand above his head; behind, tunny fish, rev., quadripartite incuse square, 16.10g, extremely fine, very rare and an exceptional example.
500 - 480 BCE. Mysia, Kyzikos, electrum stater, Herakles, naked, kneeling right, holding bow in left hand and brandishing club in right hand above his head; behind, tunny fish, rev., quadripartite incuse square, 16.10g, extremely fine, very rare and an exceptional example.
500 - 459 BCE. Artemis feeds a long-necked bird (either a swan or heron) from her hand. The goddess is depicted with a spotted animal skin draped over her shoulders, a decorated quiver, and a spiked crown. In her hand she holds a kylix (cup).
500-450 BCE. Lekythos by the Athena Painter. White ground. Herakles and Atlas.
490 - 480 BCE. Herakles wrestles the Libyan giant Antaios
500-450 BCE. Hellenic
500-450 BCE. Oinochoe, Athenian, red-figure by Berlin Painter. Apollo with lyre, Artemis with bow.
500-450 BCE. Neck amphora, Athenian, red-figure. By Kleophrades painter. Artemis
500-450 BCE. Hydria, Athenian, red-figure by Perseus painter. Artemis.
Persian and Scythian arrowheads from Marathon. British Museum.
500-450 BCE. Hellenic
490 BCE (?) Herakles from the Temple of Aphaia at Aegina.
485 - 480 BCE. Aias battles Hektor in this vase depicting a scene from Homer's Iliad. Each of the combatants is supported by a god. Behind Aias stands Athene, wearing a helm and the aigis cloak. On the opposite side, supporting Hektor, is Apollon, holding a bow, quiver and crowned with a wreath of laurel.
500-450 BCE. Lekythos, Athenian, Red-figure by Brygos painter. Artemis with bow and arrow.
485 - 480 BCE. Paris and Menelaos duel in a scene from the Iliad. Paris is protected by two goddesses, Aphrodite on the left and a bow-holding Artemis on the right
480 BCE. Drinking cup (kylix) with Apollo
Greek, Late Archaic Period, the Brygos Painter.
Greek, Late Archaic Period, the Brygos Painter.
480 BCE. Pelike by the Pan Painter. Herakles and Busiris.
480BCE-Artemis. Terracotta lekythos (oil flask)
Red-figure, Greek, Attic, ClassicalAttributed to the Providence Painter.
480 BCE. Psykter by the Pan Painter. Apollo fights Idas for Marpessa.
Detail from : 480 BCE. Psykter by the Pan Painter. Apollo fights Idas for Marpessa.
480BCE>Apollo.Amphora (Panathenaic shape) by Berlin Painter, with Herakles and stolen tripod on one side, and pursuing Apollo on second side.
Apollo. 5th BCE
Period: Classical Date: ca. 480–470 B.C. Culture: Greek, Attic Medium: Terracotta. Apollo with bow.
475-424 BCE. Krater, Athenian, red-figure. Artemis.
475-425 BCE. Lekythos, Athenian, red-figure by Bowdoin P. Artemis running to altar.
475-425 BCE. Lekythgos, Athenian, red-figure. Artemis with bow, arrow and quiver, deer.
475-425 BCE. Volute krater, Athenian, red-figure by Berlin Painter. Apollo with phial, bow and laurel sprig.
475-425 BCE. Lekythgos, Athenian, red-figure by Villa Giulia P. Artemis with the bow.
475-425 BCE. Lekythos, Athenian, red-figure. Artemis with bow, arrow, and quiver.
475-425 BCE. Neck amphora, Athenian, red-figure. Artemis with bow and quiver.
475-450 BCE. Bobbin by the Pistoxenos Painter. Herakles and Nereus.
475-425 BCE. Lekythos, Athenian, red figure, white ground. Artemis with bow, deer.
475-425 BCE. Alabastron, red-figure, Athenian. Artemis with bow.
470 BCE. Apollon, seated on the omphalos stone of Delphoi, and beside the Delphic tripod, shoots arrows at the monster Python, the old guardian of the shrine. The beast is depicted with a woman's head and breast, matching the peot Hesiod's description of Ekhidna.
470 BCE. Nolan amphora by the Oionokles Painter. Persian.
460 BCE. Artemis draws her bow as Aktaion is torn apart by his hounds.
460 BCE. Gods and Heroes before Marathon ?
460 BCE. Calyx crater by the Niobid Painter. Apollo, Artemis and the Niobids.
460 BCE. Pelike by Niobid Painter. Death of Achilles.
475-450 BCE. Volume crater by the Painter of Woolly Satyrs. Amazonomachy.
470-450 BCE. Cup by the Aberdeen Painter. Apollo.
455- 409 BCE. GREEK. Sicily, Selinos, Silver Tetradrachm. Artemis driving a quadriga right, Apollo standing beside her drawing his bow.
Culture: Attic/ Greek. Date: 450 - 440 B.C. Medium: Pottery. Condition: Complete, one handle repaired. Provenance: Ex: French collection. Measurements: 10 in. High (25.5 cm.). Depicting a departure scene. An armed warrior holding a round shield decorated with a leather shield apron, extends a phiale toward a female holding an oinochoe; an Iconic column between them. At right is a draped male holding a staff.
450 BCE. Cup by the Painter of the Paris Gigantomachy. Greek and Persians.
450 BCE. Artemis sends a deer running between the Aloadai giants which they both attempt to strike with spears. In the myth, they miss, and accidentally kill each another. The goddess nevertheless aims her bow at the pair.
450 BCE. Cup by the Dokimasia Painter. Dolon.
450 BCE. Calyx crater by the Aegisthus Painter. Apollo, Tityos and Ge.
450-400 BCE. Athenian, red figure. Herakles and then deer, Artemis, Apollo.
450-400 BCE. Neck amphora, Athenian, red-figure. Artemis with the bow.
438-420 BCE. Neck amphora by the Nausicaa Painter.
438-420 BCE. Bell crater by the Barclay Painter. Deer hunt with Atalanta?
438-420 BCE. Cup by the Eretria Painter. Amazons.
438-420 BCE. Skyphos by the Penelope Painter. Odysseus slays suitors.
430 BCE. Bell-krater by the Piaticci Painter. Laocoon
Period, Classical Date: ca. 430–420 BCE. Culture: Greek, Attic Medium: Terracotta. The archer on this vase probably can be identified as Odysseus.
430-400 BCE. Fragmentary calyx-krater by the Hearst Painter. Odysseus slaying the suitors.
425-370 BCE. Squat lekythos by Aison. Amazonomachy.
425-370 BCE. Neck amphora by the Suessula Painter. Gigantomachy.
425-370 BCE. Detail of Artemis from a painting of the Gigantomakhia (War of the Giants). The goddess aims her bow at a giant. She is dressed in a knee-length skirt of a maiden, and wears an animal skin cap. Below her stands Demeter wielding a spear.
425-370 BCE "Porphyrion rushed against Herakles and also Hera. Zeus instilled him with a passion for Hera, and when he tore her gown and wanted to rape her, she called for help, whereat Zeus hit him with a thunderbolt and Herakles slew him with an arrow."
Early Classical Period. Cup in the manner of Douris. Herakles in the bowl of the sun.
410 - 400 BCE Detail of Hera battling the Gigante Phoitos from a painting of the Gigantomakhia (War of the Giants). The goddess aims her spear at the sword and shield armed giant.
410 - 400 BCE. Detail of Apollon battling the Gigante Ephialtes from a painting of the Gigantomakhia (War of the Giants). The god is armed with a sword and bow.
400 BCE. Fragmentary calyx-krater by the Painter of the Birth of Dionysos. Herakles and centaur.
398-385 BCE. Bell-krater, close to the Adolphseck Painter. Herakles and Stymphalian bird.
Nereid Monument, early 4th BCE.
Lesser podium frieze. Scenes of combat, including an archer drawing a bow. British Museum.
380-360 BCE. Calyx-krater by Dolon Painter. Ambush of Dolon.
350-340 BCE. Volute-krater by the Primato Painter. Hermes, Herakles, Nike.
340-320 BCE. Details of volute-krater by the Baltimore Painter. Slaughter of the Niobids.
320-310 BCE. Details of hydra by the Arpi Painter. Slaughter of the Niobids.
4th BCE. Artemis the Hunter, depicted in the type of Laphria. Roman copy/Praxitelean school. Messini Museum.
Silver stater 4th c. BC. Kydon stringing a bow.
375 BCE. CARIA. Halikarnassos, Silver Tetradrachm, 13.98g,. Head of Apollo facing, inclined slightly to the right. Rev. AΛIKAPNAΣΣ – [EΩ]N , eagle standing facing to right, with its wings spread, a bow on right, all within a shallow incuse square.
332 - 302 BCE. Apulia, Nomos,Taras.
255 - 241 BCE. Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Eumenes I, King of Pergamon.
214 - 212 BCE. Sicily, Syracuse. Fifth Democracy. Head of Athena left, wearing crested Corinthian helmet / Artemis standing left, discharging arrow from bow, hound running left at her feet;
2nd-1st C BC. Diademed and draped bust of Artemis r., bow and quiver over shoulder / Nude Herakles standing r., drawing bow about to shoot an arrow, lion's skin tied around neck and falling over his shoulders
Bronze Age Barbed-and-Tanged Arrowhead
Greek Arrowhead Mould BCE
Apollon and Herakles struggle for the Delphic tripod. Herakles is depicted as a bearded man wearing a lion-skin cloak, and Apollon as a youth with bow in hand. Herakles is supported by Athene who wears a helm and snake-trimmed aigis cloak set with the Gorgon's head. Artemis or the Phthia of Delphoi, stands behind Apollon, holding a plant frond.
NOTEThis image is a montage of several photos of the vase.
With Herakles, seated on rocks, wearing lion-skin covering his head and tied around shoulders, holding club in right hand and raised bow in his left, flanked by foliate tendrils, wave pattern below.
Ca. 380-360 BC
Diam. 6 1/8 in. (15.5 cm.)
Young Heracles in lionskin r./Large monogram, bow, arrowhead and frond around.
Cycladic Art Museum - Athens
Olympia Museum. Hellas
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